

Get Recipes and Helpful Tips for Using and Purchasing Beef
Miranda Lamb

Easy Juicy Carnivore Meatballs

Are you interested in doing the Carnivore Diet? The carnivore diet seems to be taking the world by storm. Not only do people claim to have lost tons of weight, but they are also talking about the decrease is brain fog, sore joints, snoring, and more on the carnivore diet. If you are a carnivore

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Country Life
Miranda Lamb

8 Tips to Protect Food in Your Deep Freezer

You’ve heard the horror stories. A friend told you about their uncle who bought a 1/2 beef and then someone left the freezer door open and they lost all their beef. Ugh! So how do we take a few smart steps to protect your deep freezer and the food in our freezers? Here are 8

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